A true religion must be adaptable, flexible and should be one that covers all the aspects and dimensions of human life, including its material and spiritual needs.
Out of all the great religions of the world, only Islam provides practical solutions to the social, economic, political, and spiritual problems faced by humanity today.
From the world view of Islam, only one God created heavens and the earths and He is the only One who truly guides the nature and life.
Marmaduke Pickthall, a known British scholar, writes “There is no greater blessing for a human being to enjoy other than being guided towards Islam. Once you realize the truth and accept Islam, the mist will be automatically removed.
He continues “You begin to differentiate between faith and disbelief, truth and falsehood, happiness and misery. I thank Almighty God for bestowing this great blessing on me. My awakened conscience has filled my life with such great happiness which I knew not before. In short, I am proud to be part of the Muslim Ummah, enjoying the shade of this blessed tree called Islam.” R1
It is the beauty of Islam that it seamlessly knits science, religion, wisdom, material and spritual domains in a unified whole. According to Islamic theology, Islam did not initiated by just prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family).
Rather, in actuality, Islam started right from prophet Adam and carried forward by one lack and twenty four thousand prophets carrying the same message of one God. Prophet Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus carried the same message through centuries.
Only Islam promotes the idea of a healthy and dynamic society build on principles of divine justice and spiritual unity. It is fair to say that, in the face of current human crises, establishment of Islamic system is the only solution.
Lord Douglas Hamilton, a British industrialist, writes “Islam is the only religion capable of combating social discrimination, agnosticism and the decadence of modem civilization. It continues to attract a number of university graduates, who have been disillusioned with various ideologies and isms.” R1
Istraed Shmart, U.S.A. writes “I came across several Muslims in Elynews, whose friendship enlightened me about Islam and eventually I became a Muslim. The turning point in my life was, when one of my Muslim friends said that if God really willed to have a son, undoubtedly he would not have adopted one of his own creatures.
He continues “Brother, He the Almighty is Eternal and above all these defects”, remarked my friend. These magic words awakened my conscience. The sentence was quite logical and after reasoning, I realized that Jesus Christ (a.s.) was just one of the Prophets sent by God, the most High” R1
Dr. Gernia, a former French MP, writes “For a long time I have carefully studied the holy Qur’an and was amazed to discover that its verses contain a mine of knowledge, dealing with such diverse sciences as astronomy, medicine, biology, health, social care, etc.
He further writes “And the interesting point is, all of these remarkably agree with our own modem rational mind and scientific discoveries made on these subjects. However the important thing which convinced me of the truth of Islam and Muhammad’s (s.a.w) prophethood was the fact that without ever sitting before a teacher, he already knew before 1400 years, what modem science is beginning to unravel today.
I firmly believe that if any scientist or scholar compares the Qur’anic verses with his own particular field of research, undoubtedly like me, he will realize the truth and become a Muslim.” R1
Leopold Vaise, An Austrian journalist and writer who changed his name to Muhammad Assad, writes “Honestly I am at a loss to say which particular field in Islam attracts me more. For me Islam is like a complete and flawless structure whose parts are inter-related and joined firmly and harmoniously together.
In other words, no part of Islamic laws or values is out of place or dispensable and is precisely perfect in catering to even the minutest detail of a human’s life. In short Islam is a cohesive unit whose every idea perefectly fits in its right place and this has made a profound effect on my life.” R1
Sir Archibald Hamilton, U.K. writes “It was quite natural for me not to resist the magnetic pull of Islam. What a wonderful system of life! Besides forbidding all generally frowned upon vices, it explicitly prohibits the drinking of alcoholic beverages and intoxicants as well as the taking or giving of usury.
He further explains “In other words Islam does not allow any individual or group to exploit the other. These wise injunctions coupled with the philanthropic obligations of ‘Khoms’ and ‘Zakat’ (poor-rates) to be distributed by the haves among the have-nots without the latter’s need to beg, make Islam a dynamic religion.
Moreover begging is discouraged by Islam as a loss of self-respect. These laws, not only maintain a social balance by removing barriers of ignorance but elevate human dignity to its greatest heights.” R1
Brigette Honey, U.K., writes ” Through some of my friends I came across an English translation of the holy Qur’an. After reading the first two chapters when I had just started the third one, I suddenly felt an uncontrollable urge to prostrate myself before God.”
She further writes “It was the first time I had ever done such a thing in my life. The greater its significance, considering the fact that I had grown up in an irreligious atmosphere and had studied and dismissed various philosophies and ideas.
Again she writes “I accepted Islam the same instance, the only religion appealing to common sense and free from any sort of polytheistic traces. Islamic laws cover all aspects of human life and are in perfect harmony with science and nature.
Then she writes “Islam has a most complete code for binding the international community into a cohesive unit. It is far removed from any superstitious trends and has given birth to an entirely distinct art, culture, philosophy, industry and…. Etc., elevating human values to heights never attained before. To sum it all, Islam with its profound belief in Allah, maintains a perfect equilibrium between both the spiritual and the material worlds.” R1
Donald Requil, U.S.A., writes ” The simplicity of Prophet Muhammad’s (s.a.w.) life coupled with the rationality of Islam made me change my belief. It is the only religion free of any absurdities and preposterous ideas. Once you realize the rationality of Islam, you become a true believer.
“We are nearer to him (man) than his jugular vein.” (Quran, 50:16)
“I am very near, I answer the prayer of the suppliant when he calls…” (Quran, 2:186)
“… Wherever you look Allah is everywhere…” (Quran, 2:115)
How rational and simple is Islam, no need for any intercessor. All people are equal before Allah. There is no difference whatsoever of color, race, social status,… etc. And no one is superior to another except in terms of piety.
Moreover a glance at the life of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) his teachings, personality and behavior, all indicate that he is the last and greatest of the prophets and Islam is a complete set of rules for humanity unlike Christianity, which utterly fails in this regard and could be described as against the very laws of nature itself.”
Al – Haj Dr. Abdul Karim Satyo, Professor of Economics at a Japanese University, writes “Islam is without any ambiguity, in proving the existence of the Almighty One. It convincingly explains this Manifest Truth, without which everything would be chaos and all our accepted social morals will lose their meaning and justification. If humanity succeeds in discovering this Eternal Truth, people will accept Islam in multitudinous crowds.” R1
Due to its subliming character that fosters spritual unity, Islam holds the key to social reforms. Islam wants to see men and woman contributing for building a healthy universal society.
Islam provides clear guidelines including but not limited to the rights of father and mother, husband and wife, young and elderly, teacher and student, brother and sister, friend and enemy, neighbor and stranger, public and ruler, rich and poor.
Islam provides practical laws and manners covering almost all human routine activities like eating, drinking, talking, sleeping, dressing, walking, greeting, meeting, buying, selling, and praying. Further, Islam gives detailed accounts on what is allowed and what is forbidden, what is recommended and what is not recommended.
The Holy Quran has described religion as man’s innate nature and Allah’s established order. It says :
“Islam is in harmony with nature which God has designed for man. ” ( Quran,30 : 30)
Among all religions, Islam is the only one that is entirely social. The teachings of Islam are not similar to those of the present-day Christianity which only takes into consideration people’s happiness in the world Hereafter and ignores their worldly happiness. R2
The teachings of Islam are neither like the present religion of Judaism that only endeavors to educate a particular nation. The teachings of Islam, unlike the instructions set forth by Magus and some other religions, have not focused on only a few limited subjects relating to ethics and actions.
Islam has considered education and prosperity necessary for this world and the world Hereafter for everybody and for ever at any time and place. Evidently, except Islam, there is no other means for reforming societies and providing the people with happiness in this world and the world Hereafter.
First, since the global relations are getting closer and stronger day by day, the reformation of one society or nation from among all human societies will be fruitless and, in fact, it resembles the purification of a drop of water in a contaminated large pool or a river.
Second, only the rectification of a particular society at the expense of neglecting other societies is contrary to the fact of seeking global reformation. All ideas and thoughts about the creation of the world and human that may be reflected in our mind, all ethics that can be implanted in the souls of people, and all actions and endeavors that may appear in human’s environment have been examined in the teachings of Islam.
However, in Islam, realistic thoughts, on top of which is the Oneness of the Almighty God, have been selected and considered as the basis and foundation of religion. In the ethics of Islam, that which is in fact approved by sound judgment has been chosen and based on the principle of monotheism.
Then, on the basis and principle of ethics, a series of provisions and practical laws that examine the details of human’s life have been explained and, as a result, individual and social duties of black and white, urban and nomadic, man and woman, young and old, servant and master, king and the subject, rich and poor, have been clarified under ordinary or exceptional circumstances.
“… Of a good word (being) like a good tree, the root of which is firm and the branches of which are in heaven” (Quran, 14:24).
Anyone, who enquires into the basic principles of intuitive knowledge and ethical teachings of Islam and Islamic jurisprudence, will find them like a boundless sea which renders the wisdom helpless for comprehending and thought for reaching its depth.
Nevertheless, every part of Islam is linked with other parts and all parts constitute an organized unit of theism and human fostering making it a complete code of life to pass a decent life, revealed by the Almighty God to His honorable Prophet. R2
In Islam there is no question of classes, social groups or racial and tribal grades. All people have been created alike and irrespective of their parentage stand in one row. R3
Professor Mohammed Ezzeddin (previously named Nishkanata Badhiayya),India, A former principal of a Hyderabad College and currently Professor of history at Maharja college Mysore writes ” Islam is the only religion in full historical limelight and not of obscure origins as other religions.
He continues “Islamic laws are in full conformity with reason and intellect, making it a practical religion and not a visionary theory.”
He further writes “Besides the above characteristics unlike any other religion, Islam remarkably caters to the needs of people of every era and generation and is compatible to all cultures and levels of intellect. In brief it is the only platform capable of fostering universal brotherhood among mankind.” R1
The following sources are used to prepare the above article.
1. Al-Balagh Foundation, Islam The Religion of Mankind
2. Ayatullah Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Tabataba’I, Islamic Techings in Brief, Ansariyan Publication
3. Dr. M. H. Behishti, Dr. M. J. Bahonar, Philosophy of Islam, Islamic Seminary Publications (1984)