The philosophy of Imamah is debated in this article. A government, a social or...

Imam and Holy Prophet
Describing the Holy Prophet (SA), the Almighty Allah states in Holy Book...
Appointing Twelve Imams
Islam is the only religion which offers comprehensive solutions to social...
Responsibilities of an Imam
Islam prescribes very high qualification for a divine leader. He should be the...
Imam Ali and His Followers
In view of divine, logical and political basis of Imamah, one may wonder why...
Life of Imam Ali (A) – In Brief
Imam Ali (A), the first Imam, was the cousin of the Holy Prophet. He was born...
Imam Hasan and Imam Husayn
These two honorable Imams (AS) are brothers of each other and are the...
To Be “Alive” and To Be “Dead”
Many of us think that as long as a man’s heart beats, and the nerves are...
Life of Imam Hussain (A) – In Brief
Imam Husain, the third Imam was born on 3r’d of Shaban, 4 A.H. in Medina. On...
Imam Hussain -Views of Non-Muslim Scholars
The event of Karbala marks the greatest sacrifice for the sake of God in the...
Prophet, Imam Hussain and Quran
The city of Medina witnessed the birth of a blessed boy in the house of Lady...
Imam Ĥusayn (A) – Departure from Medina
Imam Hussain (A) stands as an eternal icon for those pursuing a moral, social,...
The Eternal Wisdom of Ashura
Students of the so called historical method argue that in terms of immediate...
Imam Husayn’s Address to Islamic Scholars
After the death of Mu’awiyah in Rajab 60 A.H., Yazid attempted to exact...
Merit of Lamenting on Imam Husayn (A)
The following traditions on the merit of mourning and lamenting on the heart...
Demand of Allegiance and Imām Husayn (A)
When Yazid had taken the oath of allegiance for the Caliphate from the people,...
Complain of Husayn, Holy Prophet and Heaven
Allāmah Majlisi relates in Bihār al Anwār that Muhammad bin Abu Tālib Musawi...
Imām Husayn, Makkah and Letters from Kufa
When Imām Husayn (a.s.) intended going towards Makkāh, Abdullāh bin Muti’ came...
Muslim bin Aqeel’s departure to Kufa
As quoted by Mas’oodi, Muslim bin Aqeel (a.s.) reached Madinā and offered...
Imām’s Letter to the Noblemen of Basrā
It is quoted by Sayyid ibn Tāwoos in Malhoof that Imām Husayn (a.s.) sent a...
Ubaydullah bin Ziyād’s Enters Kufa
When Ubaydullāh received the letter of Yazid, he selected five hundred people...
Struggle of Hāni bin Urwāh
Earlier, we have seen that when Ubyadullah bin Ziyād intended to go to Kufā...
Struggle of Muslim bin Aqeel (A)
Shaikh Mufeed and some others say, that Abdullāh bin Khazin says, that I was...
Martyrdom of Muslim bin Aqeel (A)
As regards Muslim bin Aqeel, Muhammad bin Ash’as took him to the palace of...
Martyrdom of Hāni bin Urwah Murādi
Mas’oodi says that Bukayr bin Humrān Ahmari severed the head of Muslim and...
Martyrdom of Meesam Tammār
During the period of the martyrdom of Muslim bin Aqeel (a.s.), the other...
Will of Imam Ali written for his son Imam Hassan
Nahjul Balagha - Commandment 31 From the father who is (shortly) to die, who...
The Creator and The Universe
Imam Ali (A), (15 September 601 – 29 January 661) , the first Imam (AS), was...
Proof of Imamate as True Leadership –Part 2
Younus ibn Yaqub, one of the great followers of Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq [a]...