A religion touches almost all aspects and physical and spiritual states of a...

Need of Religion
Some people assert that there is no need to acquire a religion. They think:...
Role of Religion
Religion plays vital role in every aspect of our life.Religion remains the...
The best noblest and clearest
Submission to God is the best, noblest, and clearest. Submission to God’s Will...
Religion in History
Association of humans with religion remains one of the longest and spans the...
Best remedy for ailments
A conceited and self-admiring person is disliked by others; charity and alms...
The mind of a wise
The mind of a wise man is the safest custody of secrets; cheerfulness is the...
Quest for New Life
Quest for New Life is a matter of great satisfaction that here and there some...
Religion and Freedom
Some people think that religion restricts individual freedom and disallows the...
Touchstones of a True Religion
In our first article on a Touchstones of a True Religion, we summarized its...
Rising of a True Religion -old
A true religion must be adaptable, flexible and should be one that covers all...
About Islamic Wisdom
Our aim is to present the fundamentals of Islamic ideology from the...
Wonderful Creation
What a wonderful creation man is; he sees through the layers of fat (eyes),...
The Way to Live
Live among people in such a way that they weep for you when you die and wish...
Wisdom, Modesty and Faith
Jibrael-al-Ameen (Gabriel, the Trustworthy) called on Adam (AS) and said to...
Proof From Within
One of the greatest Islamic saint of the 8th century, Imam Ja’far...
Principle of Risk Mitigation
The principle of Risk Mitigation is oneOne of the core principles practiced by...
Beyond Five Senses
We continue the explanation of Imam Ja’far on the existence of God while in...
Principle of System Design
The subtle art and science of regulating systems, whether in nature or...
Theory of Self-Creation
We continue the explanation of Imam Ja’far on the existence of God while in...
Chicken or the Egg Dilemma
We continue the explanation of Imam Ja’far on the existence of God while they...
Wisdom in Creation of a Peacock
God has provided wonderful creations including the living, the lifeless, the...
Wisdom in Creation of an Ant
Had they pondered over the greatness of His power and the vastness of it, then...
Wisdom in Creation of a Bat
Wisdom in creation of a bat, Praise be to Allah who is such that it is not...
Meaning of Islam
It is very important for us to know the meaning of Islam. Islam is the only...
Philosophy of Prophethood
Every system, an orderly creation, have rules that must be enforced to...
Frequently Asked Questions
A list of frequently asked questions (FAQ) is often, What is Islam,...
Summary of Islamic Principles
The Summary of Islamic principles is one important article that A little...
Creation of Male and Female
About the creation of male and female in the Holy Qur'an, the Almighty says:...
Heavens Created for Humans
And He has subjected to you, as from Him, all that is in the heavens and on...
Clear Signs
Thus doth Allah Make clear His Signs to you: In order that ye may understand...
God has no Son
They say: “(Allah) hath begotten a son!” – Glory be to Him! He is self-...
Lessons from Past
Future people should learn from the past. Do they not travel through the...
Life and Death
Allah Almighty has said about life and death in the Quran: "It is He Who gives...
Value of Worldly Things
The worldly things which ye are given are but the conveniences of this life...
Phases of Life
In verse 67 of Surah Al-Mu'min, Allah Almighty says about the phases of life:...
Importance of Mother
Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said about the...
Effects of a Self-Centered
Effects of a Self-Centered No one who keeps his mind focused entirely upon...
Time of Charity
To Charity means to give something—money, products, or time—to some cause,...
Meeting and Inviting Friends
Sarkar-du-Alam (PBUH) said about meeting and inviting friends: To meet friends...
Nice Behavior with Neighbors
Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) Nice Behavior with...
Acquiring Knowledge
To acquire knowledge is binding upon all Muslims, whether male or female...
Ink of a Scholar
The ink of a scholar is more holy than the blood of the martyr –Prophet...
Way to Paradise
He who travels in the search of knowledge, to him God shows the way of...
Prophets in History
We continue the description of prophets in the history of this article....
Muhammad -The Last Prophet
In this article, we shed light on the life of Hazrat Muhammad-the last prophet...
Wise Thinking -A Divine Trust
Islam lays much stress on the point that man should pay full attention to the...
Revelation -Secret of Prophets
Revelation is a sort of sublime knowledge of the realities of the world, their...
Muhammad in view of scholars
We continue the description of Muhammad in view of scholars in this article....
Prophets -Clear Signs of God
Every phenomenon needs a producer. The chain of producers continues till we...
Distinctions of Prophets
Every man is bound by the valuable bond of eternity and every one having a...
Universal Call of Prophets
We continue the description of the universal call of prophets in this article....
Rising of a True Religion
A true religion must be adaptable, flexible and should be one that covers all...
Story of Mufaddal
One of the greatest Islamic saints of the 8th century, Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq...
Wisdom in Nature
In this article, we are discussing wisdom in nature. The Creation of Earth At...
Wisdom in Creation of Man
Wisdom in Creation of Man article is the next in series. Please see the...
Knowing God with Reason
It is an important article about knowing God with reason because theologians...
Evolution and Life
According to First Law of Motion, if lifeless matter is at rest, it tends to...
Attributes of God
Attributes of God The specific attributes of God are discussed in this...
Man and Freedom of Will
Man and Freedom of Will are debated in this article. The concept of free will...
Philosophy of Imamah
The philosophy of Imamah is debated in this article. A government, a social or...
Imam and Holy Prophet
Describing the Holy Prophet (SA), the Almighty Allah states in Holy Book...
Appointing Twelve Imams
Islam is the only religion which offers comprehensive solutions to social...
Responsibilities of an Imam
Islam prescribes very high qualification for a divine leader. He should be the...
Imam Ali and His Followers
In view of divine, logical and political basis of Imamah, one may wonder why...
Life of Imam Ali (A) – In Brief
Imam Ali (A), the first Imam, was the cousin of the Holy Prophet. He was born...
Imam Hasan and Imam Husayn
These two honorable Imams (AS) are brothers of each other and are the...
Value of Knowledge
Acquire knowledge, because one who gains it for the sake of Lord, performs an...
The Philosophy of Resurrection
All of us affirm the reality of death. Every new birth brings with it the news...
Resurrection: Popular Views
Is the belief in the Day of Judgment based on reason and wisdom? The fact...
Divine Justice and the Hereafter
We observe that in this world the good and evil deeds of men are not subject...
To Be “Alive” and To Be “Dead”
Many of us think that as long as a man’s heart beats, and the nerves are...
Resurrection and Our Behavior
Faith in resurrection besides logically interpreting and revolving the puzzle...
The Impact of Resurrection
Hope and fear in whatever small proportion they may be are the best incentive...
Resurrection and Probability
One of the many approaches to establish the proof of Resurrection is to apply...
Continued Remembering Death
Just as without the remembrance of Allah, the belief in Allah is of no use, in...
Resurrection and Perfection
How do you define human perfection and success? This question leads to another...
Hereafter and God’s Wisdom
If the Resurrection is not going to happen, then the very purpose of man’s...
A Proof of Resurrection
Some proofs of Resurrection may be provided that are in accord with human...
Resurrection, Reason and Logic
Every man by nature has some conception of the Day of Resurrection because we...
Value of Man
Value of a man depends upon his courage; his veracity depends upon his...
Achieving Success
Success is the result of foresight and resolution, foresight depends upon deep...
Be Aware of two Persons
Be aware of a noble person when he is hungry, and of an ignoble...
Reality of Hearts
Hearts of people are like wild beasts. They attach themselves to those who...
Helping People
Generosity is to help a deserving person without his request, and if you help...
Justice -The Master of Virtues
Justice is the master of virtues and the course to peace. Islam has glorified...
Injustice – The Worst of Vices
Semantically, justice means putting a thing or a matter in its right...
Life of Imam Hussain (A) – In Brief
Imam Husain, the third Imam was born on 3r’d of Shaban, 4 A.H. in Medina. On...
Imam Hussain -Views of Non-Muslim Scholars
The event of Karbala marks the greatest sacrifice for the sake of God in the...
Prophet, Imam Hussain and Quran
The city of Medina witnessed the birth of a blessed boy in the house of Lady...
Imam Ĥusayn (A) – Departure from Medina
Imam Hussain (A) stands as an eternal icon for those pursuing a moral, social,...
The Eternal Wisdom of Ashura
Students of the so called historical method argue that in terms of immediate...
Imam Husayn’s Address to Islamic Scholars
After the death of Mu’awiyah in Rajab 60 A.H., Yazid attempted to exact...
Merit of Lamenting on Imam Husayn (A)
The following traditions on the merit of mourning and lamenting on the heart...
Demand of Allegiance and Imām Husayn (A)
When Yazid had taken the oath of allegiance for the Caliphate from the people,...
Complain of Husayn, Holy Prophet and Heaven
Allāmah Majlisi relates in Bihār al Anwār that Muhammad bin Abu Tālib Musawi...
Imām Husayn, Makkah and Letters from Kufa
When Imām Husayn (a.s.) intended going towards Makkāh, Abdullāh bin Muti’ came...
Muslim bin Aqeel’s departure to Kufa
As quoted by Mas’oodi, Muslim bin Aqeel (a.s.) reached Madinā and offered...
Imām’s Letter to the Noblemen of Basrā
It is quoted by Sayyid ibn Tāwoos in Malhoof that Imām Husayn (a.s.) sent a...
Ubaydullah bin Ziyād’s Enters Kufa
When Ubaydullāh received the letter of Yazid, he selected five hundred people...
Struggle of Hāni bin Urwāh
Earlier, we have seen that when Ubyadullah bin Ziyād intended to go to Kufā...
Struggle of Muslim bin Aqeel (A)
Shaikh Mufeed and some others say, that Abdullāh bin Khazin says, that I was...
Martyrdom of Muslim bin Aqeel (A)
As regards Muslim bin Aqeel, Muhammad bin Ash’as took him to the palace of...
Martyrdom of Hāni bin Urwah Murādi
Mas’oodi says that Bukayr bin Humrān Ahmari severed the head of Muslim and...
Martyrdom of Meesam Tammār
During the period of the martyrdom of Muslim bin Aqeel (a.s.), the other...
Key To Spritual Freedom
Divine virtue is the key to every truth, provisions for the resurrection day,...
Divorcing the World
Oh worldly things. Oh gold and silver. Go away and deceive others but Ali, for...
Live Freely
If you desire to live freely, work hard like a slave, suffer pain and shut...
Master or Slave
You may be in need but remember that if you have need of someone, you still...
Prison for Momin
This world is a prison for a momin and a paradise for the unbeliever- Imam...
Islam -The Most Sublime Path Towards God
Have you fully realised what Islam is? It is a religion founded on truth. It...
Brotherhood in Islam
Truly the believers in their acts of co-operation and mutual aid are like the...
Fruits of Patience
When Allah witnessed their patience in resisting the tortures and hardships,...
Rewards of Righteous Deeds
Allah has promised, to those among you who believe and work righteous deeds,...
Patience -One of the Great Divine Virtues
Patience is considered to be one of the best-known terms in Islam. In Islamic...
Patience -Last Will of Prophets and Imams
According to a few traditions selected from a collection of traditions...
Patience – Heart and Soul of Divine Virtues
Faith may be defined as something which consists of ethics, legal rights, and...
Patience – A Gateway to Human Perfection
One may define patience as resistance offered by man on the road towards...
Patience against Sin – Victory over Evils
Islam guides us in every facet of our life. It leads us towards forming a...
Search of Knowledge
He who travels in the search of knowledge, to him God shows the way of...
Keep yourselves far from envy, because it eats up and takes away good actions,...
Supression of Anger
Whoever suppresses his anger, when he has in his power to show it, God will...
Anger Control
He is not strong and powerful, who throws people down, but he is strong who...
Deal Gently
Deal gently with a people, and be not harsh; cheer them and condemn not...
Much silence and a good disposition; there are no two works better than these...
Best of Friends
The best of friends is he who is best in behavior and character -Prophet...
One who does not practice modesity and does not refrain from shameless deeds...
Respect of Parents
He who wishes to enter Paradise must please his father and mother -Prophet...
Meeting God
Whoever loves to meet God, God loves to meet him -Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
God is not merciful to him who is not so to humankind. He who is not kind to...
Quran -The Complete Code of Life
The Qur'an, the Holy Book of God, provides the complete code for the Muslims...
Universal Nature of the Qur’an
The Qur'an is not directed towards any one particular nation, such as the...
Islamic Way of Parenting
It goes without saying that today’s children are tomorrow’s parents and will...
Wisdom (‘aql) And Qur’an
Wisdom (‘aql in arabic) is a hidden power of thinking and logic. It discovers...
Imam Jafar as-Sadiq (a. s.) and Abu Shakir
Jafar as-Sadiq (A. S.) was one of the most patient and tolerant teachers of...
The Philosophy of Fasting in Ramadan
Fasting is a fundamental worship in Islam that provides a great platform to...
Supplication 1 of Imam Sajjad: Month of Ramadan
1Praise belongs to God who guided us to His praiseand placed us among the...
The Effects of Fasting in Ramadan
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا كُتِبَ عَلَيْكُمُ الصِّيَامُ كَمَا كُتِبَ عَلَى...
Believer Like a Tree Branch
The story of a believer is like that of a branch of a tree which the winds...
A Glimpse at the Political Philosophy of Islam
If we want to make a balanced comparison between Islamic and other views in...
Quran and Ramadhan
The month of Ramadhan is a month of Allah. The Ramadhan is one of the names of...
Listening to Your Kids
Listening to your kids is an important skill that parents must have. You can...
Will of Imam Ali written for his son Imam Hassan
Nahjul Balagha - Commandment 31 From the father who is (shortly) to die, who...
وَ عِباَدُ الرَّحْمٌنِ الَّذِيْنَ يَمْشُوْنَ عَلى الأَرْضِ هَوْناً "And the...
Aim of Sending Prophets
It is narrated through a reliable chain of narrators that an atheist came to...
Islam in View of Imam Ali (AS)
Have you realized what Islam is? it is indeed a religion founded on truth. It...
The Creator and The Universe
Imam Ali (A), (15 September 601 – 29 January 661) , the first Imam (AS), was...
Proof of Imamate as True Leadership –Part 2
Younus ibn Yaqub, one of the great followers of Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq [a]...